Mrs. April Bell » All About Mrs. Bell...

All About Mrs. Bell...

Mrs. Bell grew up in the Red Lion Area School District where she attended Edgar Moore Elementary, Jr. High, and Sr. High schools.  She was very active in the tennis and music programs.  Mrs. Bell then attended Millersville University.  She has been a first grade teacher for 23 years (8 years at Edgar Moore and 15 years at LJM).
Mrs. Bell is married to Tom Bell, a physical education teacher at the Red Lion High School.  She has two wonderful children, Addison (17 years old) and Ashton (14 years old).  Addison has moved onto the Sr. High and Ashton attends the Jr. High.
In her free time she loves to go to the beach, read, and have fun at Hershey Park.  Her children love the fast roller coasters while her favorite ride is Reese' Cupfusion (She scores higher than her children every time!!!!!)