Mrs. Jennifer Clubb » 2nd Grade Music Class

2nd Grade Music Class

Welcome to 2nd Grade Music Class

Mrs. Clubb

[email protected]

Hello Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back! I’m sure your child is excited about all the new things they will do and learn this year. My name is Jennifer Clubb and I will be your child’s music teacher this year. Your child will have music class once a cycle (every 6 days) for 30 minutes.

My goals for your child this year are to:

            -Learn to love music

            -Sing a variety of children’s songs and rhymes to reinforce learning

            -Learn the difference between singing and speaking voice

            -Use books to explore singing

            -Learn simple rhythms

            -Dance and move to music

            -Have fun!

Your child will receive a grade for music class this year during the 2nd and 4th marking periods. This grade will be a 4, 3, 2, or 1. Part of your child’s grade will be based on how he/she performs on tasks in class such as singing/keeping a beat/etc. Another part of his/her grade is based on how he/she performs on written tests or quizzes-we usually only have 1 or 2 during the grading period. The final part of his/her grade is based on their participation in class. Please encourage your child to always try their best!

If at any time you have a question or concern about my class or your child is having trouble with my class, please contact me. I can be reached at school at 246-8389-LJM or 244-3164-NHW or at [email protected].

Thank you and have a wonderful year!

Mrs. Jennifer Clubb